Keto Coleslaw: A Tangy and Crunchy Side Dish


Are you lookin’ for a side dish that’s both tangy and crunchy? Look no further than this irresistible Keto Coleslaw! This low-carb, gluten-free treat is the perfect complement to any grilled or fried dish.

This keto coleslaw is made with fresh cabbage, shredded carrots, and a creamy, tangy dressing. The dressing is made with mayonnaise, mustard, vinegar, and a hint of sweetness from monk fruit sweetener. The result is a coleslaw that’s packed with flavor and crunch.

Benefits of Keto Coleslaw

Not only is this keto coleslaw delicious, but it’s also good for you. Cabbage is a cruciferous vegetable that’s packed with nutrients, including vitamins A, C, and K. It’s also a good source of fiber and antioxidants.

The other ingredients in this keto coleslaw are also good for you. Carrots are a good source of vitamin A, which is important for vision and immune function. Mayonnaise is a good source of healthy fats, and mustard is a good source of antioxidants.

How to Make Keto Coleslaw

This keto coleslaw is easy to make. Simply shred the cabbage and carrots, then whisk together the dressing ingredients. Combine the cabbage and carrots with the dressing, and you’re done!

Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Shred the cabbage and carrots.
  2. Whisk together the mayonnaise, mustard, vinegar, sweetener, salt, and pepper.
  3. Combine the cabbage and carrots with the dressing.
  4. Serve immediately or refrigerate for later.

Tips for Making the Best Keto Coleslaw

Here are a few tips for making the best keto coleslaw:

  • Use fresh, crisp cabbage and carrots.
  • Shred the cabbage and carrots thinly.
  • Don’t overdress the coleslaw. You want the dressing to coat the cabbage and carrots, but you don’t want it to be soggy.
  • Let the coleslaw sit for at least 30 minutes before serving. This will allow the flavors to meld.
  • Serve the coleslaw chilled or at room temperature.

Keto Coleslaw: A Tangy and Crunchy Side Dish

The Perfect Finishing Touches

Once you’ve combined the cabbage and carrot mixture with the dressing, it’s time to add the finishing touches that will elevate your Keto Coleslaw to the next level.

Season to Taste: Taste the coleslaw and adjust the seasonings as needed. Add more salt, pepper, or sweetener to suit your preferences.
Add Some Crunch: For an extra burst of texture, consider adding some chopped celery, red onion, or bell pepper to the coleslaw.
Experiment with Herbs: Fresh herbs like parsley, dill, or chives can add a vibrant flavor and aroma to your coleslaw.
Let It Mingle: Allow the coleslaw to rest for at least 30 minutes before serving. This gives the flavors time to harmonize and develop a more complex profile.

Serving Suggestions

Keto Coleslaw is a versatile side dish that pairs well with various grilled or fried dishes. Here are a few serving suggestions to inspire your culinary adventures:

Grilled Meats: Serve the coleslaw alongside grilled chicken, steak, or fish for a satisfying and flavorful meal.
Fried Foods: Balance the richness of fried foods like fish and chips or chicken tenders with the tangy crunch of Keto Coleslaw.
Salads: Add a refreshing twist to your salads by incorporating Keto Coleslaw as a topping.
Sandwiches and Wraps: Transform deli sandwiches or wraps into a low-carb delight by adding a scoop of Keto Coleslaw as a filling.

Variations and Adaptations

The beauty of Keto Coleslaw lies in its adaptability. Feel free to experiment with different variations and adaptations to suit your taste and dietary needs:

Dairy-Free: For those with dairy sensitivities, substitute the mayonnaise with dairy-free alternatives like avocado mayonnaise or Greek yogurt.
Mustard Variations: Explore different types of mustard to create unique flavor profiles. Dijon, whole-grain, or honey mustard can add a spicy, robust, or sweet touch.
Cabbage Substitutes: If you don’t have cabbage on hand, try using thinly sliced Brussels sprouts or kohlrabi as a substitute.
Shredding Options: Experiment with different shredding techniques to achieve your desired texture. Use a food processor for fine shreds or a mandoline for wider ribbons.


This Keto Coleslaw is not just a low-carb side dish; it’s a culinary masterpiece that will tantalize your taste buds and leave you craving more. Its tangy, crunchy, and versatile nature makes it the perfect companion for any grilled or fried dish. So, gather your ingredients, embrace your culinary creativity, and treat yourself to this delectable dish.

Call to Action

Don’t let this tantalizing Keto Coleslaw recipe slip through your fingers! Gather your ingredients, roll up your sleeves, and embark on a culinary journey that will leave your taste buds dancing with delight. Let us know how your Keto Coleslaw turns out in the comments section below. We can’t wait to hear about your culinary triumphs and any variations you’ve created!